Sunday, June 8, 2014

Will You Sew-More?

I was intrigued by the name on a couple of my sewing machines: Sewmor. Could that possibly be true? If you bought this sewing machine would you actually sew more with it? Would there be more hours in your day you could fill with sewing? Could it make meal preparation easier, clean-up quicker, so then you could sew more? Would these sewing machines make straighter seams or better buttonholes? This must have been the wish of women in the 50's as it is today because they did actually sell these sewing machines under that name. Not much history on them but it appears they were made in Japan post WWII.  Here are my two Sewmor's:
Sewmor 606

The colors are quite intense! Note where the spool of thread sits: a build-in niche, it's own little perch. But what if you had a larger spool of thread? Maybe thread only came in smaller spools back then?

You can't help but notice my two Sewmor's are in excellent vintage condition and you know what that means: they were not used very much. Yup, the lure of sewing more didn't happen with the former owners. That's right, the intention was there, the sewing machine was ready (and cute) but there were no more hours in the day, meals didn't get easier or quicker to prepare and clean-up, skills didn't happen just by ownership of a new sewing machine.

Some things never change but I'm hoping someone will see one of these and say "Maybe..."


Michelle said...

I LOVE those machines! I have never seen any like these and I have been thrifting for a long long time!

Karen said...

Thanks, Michelle! They also sew quietly and are very smooth. I did see one either on CL or VSM on Facebook, the aqua model, and thought "I have one exactly like that." So I decided to share it!

Unknown said...

I have a 1955 model 606. I need a belt. Do u have any idea where I can get one?

Karen said...

I get many of my parts from Cindy Peters. You can email her at