As in so many parts of our lives, this sewing machine business falls under the premise of "you win some and lose some" in terms of repair and sales. This past week was a good example of that. Earlier in the week I heard from a woman who was interested in the Viking 12 I had posted for sale. In my questioning her about what kind of sewing she was planning on using the Viking 12 for, she seemed to be a beginner. She agred, she was just learning and didn't know what she needed so I set aside a couple beginners sewing machines and sent photos but life intervened for both of us and she couldn't come until Sunday. As Sunday approached I got back to her but by this time she no longer needed a sewing machine. What happened? Maybe she decided not to tackle that pile of mending, she bought one from someone else, or a friend heard her talking about it and either loaned or gave her a sewing machine. Yes, you lose some.
There was someone earlier in the week who wanted to see the Pfaff Tiptronic 1069 but was visiting nearby and not exactly sure when he would be heading home. A quick text confirmed he would be around late on Sunday afternoon and that worked for me, too. While visiting a daughter on Sunday I get a call from Jack who is interested in a Singer 15-91 that's been sitting in my living room for almost a year. Currently, he's been using his grandmother's 15-91 and loves it but wants a back-up and mine looks great to him. He thought he could be at my house in an hour. So my husband and I say goodbye and while we are driving into the driveway Jack pulls up, too. I grab an extension cord and get it set up while I get a text from my out-of-town buyer, Vern, asking for my address.
Singer 15-91 in table |
Jack is a young man who is fairly new to sewing and sewing machines so we have a great time talking about brands and models. Pfaff? Viking? Elna? Who are they? Rotary sewing machines don't have belts? In the midst of all this fun Jack pays for the Singer and when we look outside we see someone else coming up the driveway as it starts to rain. Really rain, like a downpour. Vern, my Pfaff Tiptronic buyer is just running the errand for his wife so they are discussing the Pfaff on the phone.
Pfaff Tiptronic 1069 stitch sample |
Bless his generous heart, Vern doesn't know anything about sewing machines but he tries to describe features to his wife and they finally say it will be fine for one of the kids, at least.
Pfaff Tiptronic 1069 |
The rain lets up and Jack makes a mad dash to his vehicle but since it's in a small table this is pretty awkward. The table has a nice finish so he can just wipe it down once he gets home. He did ask how I could sell such a fine sewing machine so cheap and still make money and I had to admit sometimes it's just a matter of timing and profit: his lucky timing and my lower profit. I'm hoping to see Jack again when he is ready for a zigzag sewing machine.
Vern is getting his sewing machine wrapped up in a box to withstand the rain and a trip back home when he departs with a final comment "If you get any more like this you can let me know." If only, Vern, if only. So we lost two sales to the beginning sewer but won two sales on Sunday afternoon for Jack and Vern. Yup, you win some and lose some but I hope I sent home two men that are happy with their new-to-them sewing machines with hopes of return visits. Who knows?
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