I love the Husqvarna Viking sewing machines and the older the better. Recently I have been playing with a Viking 12 and sold a Viking 21 and 1100. Still old but more up-to-date, I've had a Viking Designer 1 repaired and I've enjoyed learning how to use the embroidery feature of this classic sewing machine. In one of the many Yahoo groups about sewing machines there was a generous offer of a Viking 21 to anyone who thought they could either fix it or use the parts. That got my attention but then I read the poster would prefer someone local so it she wouldn't have to ship it and, TA DA, I lived in her area. I sent a quick reply and Carol called me the next day saying I was the first local person who got in touch with her and was I still interested? Boy, was I ever! My husband picked me up after work and we drove about 20 minutes to West St. Paul to meet Carol and her Viking 21:
Original cabinet for Viking 21 |
The sewing machine head was out of the cabinet but she showed me how it fit together and I said I would be happy to take the whole thing, including the suitcase that had moisture problems. The machine head itself was good and since she was giving it away I didn't need to plug it in to test.
Viking 21 |
While we were packing it all into the back of the Jeep, she told the story of her mom sewing on the Viking 21 for many happy hours, making "everything." She even remembers the day they bought it and how she got to go along as they went downtown to pick it up. That must have been a very happy day for her mom. Carol said she doesn't sew and knew the machine had been sitting idle too long so just wanted someone to take it who would either use it or find it a good home. She came to the right woman!
Once home and cleaned up, the Viking 21 was a dream. She still worked great, had all of the original accessories, including two manuals, and all three of the insert cams.
Box of accessories is two layers deep |
Here's the stitch sample:
Stitches on cotton from all three of the cams |
I had to switch out the bobbin case before I could get those great stitches you see above. As I went to put the machine head into the cabinet, I couldn't figure out how it would lower down. There was a lever but how did it work?
Green circle shows lever that holds and releases the bed |
It basically slid over to manually lower the head that was secured with those wood pieces. It didn't seem very sophisticated but it worked!
Head down into the cabinet with wood slid back into place |
Everything cleaned up and ready to go, I hesitate to put it up for sale. It's a really nice machine, well cared for and not at all worn out. Someone is going to get a very nice sewing machine that is going to do all it needs to do: sew a good stitch, perform reliably, and give many more years of good use. Maybe not yet?
Viking 21 Sewing Machine in cabinet |
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