In my last post, where I wrote about doubles in sewing machines, leads right into today's triple pick-up where being the first to respond did pay off. A very brief ad on Craigslist with only one photo showed three bentwood cases. What was inside? I almost didn't care because I could easily use the cases let alone what could be inside. I sent an email immediately and got a text back with photos of what was under those covers: Singer 99, 128, and 15-90. Yes, I responded, I would take all three, no questions asked. Complications arose because they were cleaning out mom's house so did not live there and I was just as iffy on the time since there was the annual plant sale at the state fairgrounds after work. Could I get through the plant sale and then 30 minutes over to their house before 5 pm? Even Friday rush hour traffic did not stop me as I pulled up to a very pretty house with a For Sale sign out front.
Becky met me at the door and I could see they were in the midst of packing. The open floor plan moved from the living room to a family room where the Singer sewing machines were waiting for me. All three had keys to open them and they had even looked up the dates in ISMACS and had taped them to the sides of the cases. The little Singer 99 was in the worst shape with decals mostly gone and the power cord stiff. It still had the knee control and I could rewire the electrical but the bentwood case top has a rather large one inch hole near the handle. Oh dear.
Singer 99, 1927, in bentwood case |
Next was the Singer 15-90 in a rather large bentwood case but the machine is in great shape and was rewired with a foot control. The wires to the light were not wired wrong, using wire screws, but I prefer to solder and use shrink wrap since I have learned this better method. This case should clean up very nice and it would be a beauty as well as a strong machine.
Singer 15-90, 1940, in bentwood case |
Becky saved the best for last as she did a bit of unveiling and exclaimed "Isn't it beautiful?" as indeed it was. This little Singer 128 has very good decals and the best shuttle plate covers I've ever seen. This sewing machine has not been used very much and the knee control is also included. I'm thinking about making this a hand crank but with the excellent electric cords and connections I might have to rethink this plan.
Singer 128, 1925, in bentwood case |
As were we taking all three of these gems out to my car, Becky tells me the story of the other responses to her ad. Once man only wanted a motor: why buy such a unique vintage machine if you only wanted a motor? I could easily give him one! Someone else only wanted one of them for a learn to sew project, not a bad idea but there are probably easier ways to learn to sew. Becky was very happy that I not only would take all three but that I would bring them back to usefulness and see that they could be used, and possibly cherished.
Singers in bentwood cases: front 99, middle 15-90, back 128 |
I get the Singers home and my husband and I look them over and decide what needs to be done. We are quickly getting into the season for "open garage." Haven't heard that term before? It's when the weather is finally warm enough for me to get all of my projects out into the garage so I can refinish the cases, cabinets, and repainting of the heads can begin again. My car can now sit outside for the duration, just so I can get it back in again before the snow flies. Those three Singers are going to be the first ones to go outside and then I'm planning on my painting projects since they have to be timed with the weather and warmer temperatures (but not too warm). It will be a long and glorious summer of sewing machine repairs as I anticipate fall and the selling season to begin again.
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