Thursday, March 26, 2015


Just to keep you in the loop I'm in Portland,  Oregon at a conference for librarians. Didn't guess I was a librarian? Well, I like to research and learn new things so that's one of the many reasons I've become so fascinated with these vintage sewing machines.  While here we took a trip to the Pittock mansion to see how one of their founding families lived. Wouldn't you know it there was a sewing room with a Singer on display:

Singer 27 or 28
I quickly looked up the number, one with no letter prefix so you know it is old, and I think it dated from 1874. The decals were pretty well silvered but for its age it was still beautiful. It wasn't really from the Pittock family but just representative yet I appreciate the effort.

We did look in a few thrift shops (it rained the first few days so indoor activities were in order) but only found what I already had. Fun to look!

Here's one last look at the Pittock mansion just so you can see the trees are in full bloom:
Pittock Mansion, Portland,  OR
Short post but don't think I'm not thinking about you while conferencing!

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