So many of the sewing machines I come upon have a long history that I will never know but my find today is an exception. Marge and I go to church together but actually met in the grocery store parking lot. I was walking from my car when I heard "Hey, hey! Don't you go to my church in Fridley?" and I turned to find an older woman half in and half out of her car. Sure enough, it was Marge and we talked long enough to figure out we only lived a mile apart. One event lead to another and I started picking her up on Sunday morning so we both would have someone to ride and sit with. Over the past decade she has become a widow, I got married, we met each other's families and have shared our personal histories along with countless rides to church together. Turning 80 in August was the tipping point for Marge as she ended up in the hospital and is now moving to an assisted living facility.Sweet as always, she wanted me to have her sewing machine so I went to pick it up last weekend:
New Home 560 in cabinet after cleaning |
Not only was it a very nice New Home model 560, it came fully equipped with a full set of cams for decorative stitches, original accessories in their tin box, and a paper manual to teach you how to use this machine. Score! The cabinet turned out to be a four drawer model and was in decent shape, too. I brought it all home and got to work, cleaning, oiling, and tuning up. It hadn't seen oil in decades and the pristine oil can testified to the lack of oil supply but that is easy to remedy. There are no nicks or dings on the machine and it runs terrific. Although it is all metal and very heavy, the desk it comes in supports it and makes for a very nice sewing station. The top surface had scratches but no water stains or anything that would require serious refinishing. Out comes Howard's Restore-A-Finish in Maple/Pine for a great restoration:
Cabinet after restoration |
This was a perfect application of this kind of product. It is a combination of chemicals that will soften the surface finish and you simple move it around to fill in scratches and weaker spots. After it dries you can give it a coat of wax to preserve the finish and it is ready for new life. Here's a sample of the stitches with cams:
New Home 560 sample stitches |
I can't wait to see who gets this lovely sewing machine in a great cabinet/desk for a new life with a New Home. Marge would be proud.
New Home 560 |
This weekend is the River Rats TOGA, an event I have gone to the past two years and where I met Sally, a very creative quilter and seller of vintage sewing machines, too. It's always a fun time with demonstrations for treadle and hand cranked sewing machines, items to show, some to sell or buy, and the fabulous raffle that raises money to put all of this together. I have several sewing machines to donate to the raffle, some fabric, and I'm still looking for other items of interest. My first year I stayed with Sally in her motor home and we even got my husband to join us. Little did we know that was going to bring our husbands together for fishing and hunting trips over the next two years. They are now moving to a warmer and more hospitable climate in their retirement but we are having one last hurrah on Saturday with just the women. I'll let you know about my great finds when I get back: I always have high hopes!
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