Monday, December 21, 2015

Crossed Wires

It was another big weekend, some things successful and others not so much. It started out when I got an email several weeks ago from Ginny who wanted the Singer 99 hand crank sewing machine but it had already been sold. She asked to be considered if I had another one. Well, this was her lucky day because I did have another one in the works so I put all of it together for a might fine looking Singer 99 hand crank in a bentwood case:

Singer 99 with hand crank
But there was a bit of a problem: could I wait until the 18th? Okay, that seemed reasonable but when the date came and she got in touch with me again I was neck deep in Christmas and had very little free time. Apparently, so did Ginny: we could not find a time to meet! We finally agreed on Saturday afternoon when she could meet us at a restaurant. I was texting her, waiting at the restaurant, still no Ginny or text and we were ready to head home. Sunday morning I find out she didn't get my text because she didn't even have her phone! Can she come mid-afternoon to pick it up at my house? Better hurry before my guests arrive and she did. What a nice conversation we had, she loved the hand crank and shared which machines she had predetermined she needed and then no more. Glad my hand crank was on her list.

The Kenmore 100, model 158-1960, had a questionable past but is such a good sewing machine that I have high hopes for it. It's an electronic model with a great selection of stitches but it needs accessories and the front storage box to really complete the package. No problem, Sears has great parts service so I order it. In the meantime I get a call from a faithful customer who thinks she has someone who would like to buy a sewing machine for her mom but is just going to go to Walmart. No, no, no! Go to Karen where she can get a much better deal and even guarantees it will run or you can bring it back she is told. When I get into the picture I think the Kenmore 158-1960 would be a great model with 100 stitches including the alphabet.
Kenmore 100
But wait, it doesn't have the storage compartment yet. We get it all arranged and I get through Friday night traffic to the Sears parts pick up only to find it's not the complete storage compartment, only the bottom of the box. Where's the lid? I get a text to say the girl is not going to buy used but is making a trip to Walmart for her mother's sewing machine. That's too bad but maybe my steady customer would like to see it for her DIL. We meet up at my house, take a look at the Kenmore but before she even gets there she asks her son if his wife would like a sewing machine. He had grave doubts so poor Kenmore 100 sits quietly waiting for its new storage box so someone else can buy her.

Dawn has come along for the ride and she has been interested in a Singer 201-2 for several months and now wants to see it in action. Only a week ago my husband and I put a new light into this baby and now she looks pretty wonderful. It wasn't just  attaching a new light but the socket had cracked but I was able to get a new fixture for a donor machine. Thank goodness it included the wiring because we ended up threading all of the new light and wiring into the machine several times until we got it right. The first time on a different machine is always a long process of learning the particular idiosyncrasies but once learned it is the accumulation of knowledge for other repairs. Dawn loved the 201 and we discussed when she would like to have it (after Christmas).

Singer 201 with new light

Saturday morning was a pick up of a sewing machine: another Singer 201-2. It was my delight to be the first person to answer an ad for this classic sewing machine in a bentwood case with key. We met in a mall parking lot so I couldn't try it out but still could see that it was in good enough condition. Although the wood on the case needs some cleaning and sprucing up, the machine moved fine and I trust all will be well. Upon closer inspection at home I find out the foot control doesn't touch the floor. What? The cord is so short the machine has to sit on the very edge of the table so I will need to put new wire on the foot control for it to be useful. Then I remember to check the power cord: the rubberized coating looks fine but when it is bent you can hear the wire cracking. Can it be that brittle? Yes, it can and is going to be replaced, too. Both ends of the cord are good so it will just need new wire and that's easy enough to do.
Singer 201 in need to new cords

Score card for the weekend: one Singer 99 hand crank sold and picked up, one Singer 201-2 promised for January 9 delivery, one Singer 201-2 bought and ready for easy wire project, and one Kenmore 100 waiting for its storage tray. Only three days to Christmas so there could be a few last minute sewing machine sales: who wouldn't want a classic Singer 201 for Christmas?

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